About the Augusta Board of Trade

Downtown Augusta Maine

The Augusta Board of Trade was founded in 1964 and has played a major role in significant Augusta development projects since that time.  Our achievements include many dynamic projects that have helped shape Augusta as we know it today. From the Civic Center Complex to the Third Bridge, Augusta Board of Trade has been a critical partner to the City and developers alike in framing Maine’s Capitol City. Other projects in which ABOT or our members have played pivotal roles:

MaineGeneral Medical Center

Hannaford/Cony project

Cony High School

kennebec valley YMCA

Lithgow Library

Fieldstone Neighborhood

Fieldstone Place was a project spearheaded by a local developer, endeavoring to create the first neighborhood housing development in Augusta in over 40 years. When the project was stalled due to the 2008 recession, ABOT purchased four home lots in phase 2 of this project. The special arrangements with the Fieldstone developer allowed for the extension of infrastructure into phase 2 of the housing development. Eventually ABOT sold these lots in order to recoup their investment.

Colonial Theater

In 2021 ABOT provided a low-interest, $125,000 loan with favorable terms that accompanied at $25,000 donation to the Colonial Theater, located north of the Calumet Bridge in Augusta’s downtown. The theater used that funding to fund their next round of construction plans needed to help secure more donations.

Through the Augusta Board of Trade efforts, thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in tax base have been created or retained for Augusta and its citizens.